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Beth & Tim - A field in Shropshire

Beth and Tims wedding has to be one of my all time favourites. Everything was homemade and stunning, even down to the brides jewellery and bridesmaids hair pieces. Beth is an incredibly talented landscape artist whose paintings I adore. We have one of her pieces proudly displayed in our home and it's one of my most treasured possessions. She has such a creative flare that when she asked me to photograph her wedding, I whole-heartedly threw myself at the opportunity. All day, the hand made letters spelling out 'love always hopes' stood 20 foot tall over the whole wedding. The words were true in the detail, in their friendship and every time they caught one another's eye. The whole day took place in a tipi in a field surrounded by beautiful fields and lush green trees. Afterwards the party carried on into the night and most of the guests stayed in tents on the field over night.

Everything about the day was genuine, full of love and over flowing with joy. Just the absolute best.

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